The Timezone Toolkitinside Google Calendar for EAs

Save time scheduling your executive's complex meetings — right from your Google Calendar.

Sundial adds a toolkit to Google Calendar that's designed for executive assistants' scheduling needs

See multiple timezones on Google Calendar

Search your executives' and teammates' timezones and Sundial will add them to Google Calendar. Add as many as you need.

See multiple timezones on Google Calendar

Send meeting times fast with no timezone errors

Select events that match your executive's availability. Sundial converts them to text in whatever timezone you need. No more typing times or timezone mistakes.

Send meeting times fast with no timezone errors

Create holds and quickly send meeting times

Select events on Google Calendar and click, 'Copy & hold'. Sundial creates the holds and converts the held times to text, ready to paste anywhere.

Create holds and quickly send meeting times

See meeting requests on your calendar

When someone emails to meet with your executive, Sundial detects the meeting request and overlays the suggested times on your calendar. No more remembering proposed times.

See meeting requests on your calendar

Work seamlessly with your team's calendars

Use Sundial with any of your executives' or coworkers' calendars layered into view.

Work seamlessly with your team's calendars

The Timezone Toolkitinside Google Calendar

Save time scheduling multi-timezone meetings — right from your Google Calendar.