A letter from the founder

Honestly. I love calendar links.

They're simple: You send a link. They book the meeting. It's great. But I always felt inappropriate using them.

When I used them with clients, I felt I was coming off as lazy, impersonal, or lacking professional courtesy.

Hence, I turned to written scheduling.

That gave me the personal touch I wanted, but it was total a pain. Typing my availability was a repetitive nuisance and adjusting timezones was always a hassle.

One day, I hit my final straw.

I made three scheduling typos in a row trying to book time with a top client in Bangalore, India.

Yep. A +11:30 time difference sucks.

So, I decided to create Sundial.

Sundial is the Chrome extension that streamlines your written scheduling needs, so you can retain the benefits of traditional scheduling with the convenience of a calendar-link experience.

Since 2022, when I published the first version, I have loved using Sundial. Now, I'm at the point where I can't stand scheduling without it.

I hope Sundial helps you and your team in the same way it's helped me.

All my best,

Founder of Sundial